Sunday, June 10, 2012

My First Blog Ever (still under construction)

So, I'm not too sure who all is going to read this, but I'm gonna write on it anyway. I know at least 5 other people will be reading it besides me. One because I am going to make him whether he wants to or not :) lol (my husband) and the other 4 because they are super supportive of me. I will get to all the people in my life here in a little bit. Ok, well, maybe not ALL of them at first, but the ones I talk to the most anyway.

This is just going to be a blog about me and my crazy (or sometimes and thankfully not so crazy life), my husband, the home we currently live in, our hopes and dreams, my crafting, and my babies. Now, when I say babies I do not mean an actual baby, well to me they're babies, but in reality they are cats and a dog. But I don't have any human babies at the moment, so this is the closest I can get to fulfilling my motherly needs. Hopefully soon though that will all change.

I am 23 years old and married to (in my opinion) the greatest man on Earth. We have been together since March 30, 2008 and married since February 19, 2009. We had kind of a whirlwind romance, but it was all beyond worth it. I wouldn't change it for a second. Things get kind of hard sometimes, especially financially, but it makes us stronger as a couple. My husband, Hans, is in the National Guard and got back from a year long deployment in January of this year. He is a foot taller than me (he's 6'3")and likes to make fun of me about it all the time. Lol As do his parents. They are both 6 feet. I'm 5'3". Lol But I think they have to be the most amazing in laws anyone could ever ask for. And I'm not even saying this because there is the possibility that they will read this. They truly are great. They are kind, supportive in every way possible and so encouraging. Not to mention great to spend time with and super funny. And it's clear the love that they have for my husband.

I don't speak to my biological mother for a lot of reasons. It's better this way. And while I love my father very dearly, at the moment, it is best that he and I keep our distance from each other. Sometimes, it makes me sad to see the love that my husband's parents have for their sons, but I know I have others that love me just as much. And I know my parents love me in their own ways (at least I think they do), but I think it's best for everyone if we all keep our distance.

The 4 other people I was talking about that I am pretty sure will read my blog are my Mama Sissy (who is technically my aunt, but for as long as I can remember I have never once called her Aunt Heather. And she is so much more than an Aunt to me. She's my mother's sister. But they are on the outs as well), my Nonny (my mother's mother), my Gaga (my uncle and Mama Sissy's husband) and my cousin, TT (who's name is Tony, but I have always called him T or TT). Yes, I am quite aware that I have bizarre names for some of my family, but these are the only family members that have their own unique names. Lol I just recently (well, not super recently, like the last 4 years recently) got back in to contact with them. (This relates back to why I don't speak to my mother.) And I couldn't be happier. They truly love me for who I am just as I am. I don't feel like I have to be someone else when I talk to them. They know I can be a stinker and love me in spite of that. Not to say that my other family members don't love me for who I am, but I just never felt truly accepted for being me. And I don't know if that's because they didn't truly accept me for me or because I never let them see the real me. (I kind of have trust issues). My husband also is so accepting of me. I came to him with a lot of scars. And I'm not saying I had the worst life ever, but I did go through more than most. And my husband has been so understanding of this and is so patient with me and works through my tough times with me without a second thought.

My Mama Sissy is the one who encouraged me to start up a blog. And I was pretty hesitant at first. But now, I just can't seem to stop talking. Well, typing. I promise they won't all be this long and boring. Lol For someone who doesn't work I seem to find plenty of ways to get into trouble. Most of which involve me getting hurt some how or another. I'm a wee bit on the klutzy side. Just last week I managed to smash my whole hand in the truck door and couldn't use it for a few days. Surprisingly though, I have never broken a single bone in my body. Just sprained and severely bruised myself. I seriously do not know how I have made it to 23 years of age without doing more damage, but I am definitely not complaining.

My husband and I have 3 cats a dog. Izzy is the oldest and is a 7 year old, 18 pound, male cat. Tomee Girl is a 6 year old pure bred yellow lab and obviously a girl. ( we did not pick her name otherwise I would not have named her Tomee Girl, but oh well), then there is Emerald, our 7 pound, white female kitty, and last but not least our newest addition to the family, Phantom, who is about 4 and a half months old and weighs 4.5 pounds. He's all black and likes shadows hence the name Phantom. Those kids put me through a lot for just being pets. Lol You will most likely hear at least one story a week about them.

As I mentioned a little bit ago, I don't work. I severely injured my back while doing training for the military and in pain all day every day. I do what I can around the house and work out, but to go to work would be too much strain on my back and luckily I have a husband that says it's ok to stay home until we can afford to get me better. (Told you he was pretty amazing.) I feel bad sometimes for not being able to help bring in  money, but he says it's ok. So, what I do to try and help out is make and sell crafts. I make items from duct tape, I make friendship bracelets, and just today got into quilling. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures, I will post some for you. Lol Until then, you can go to or if you have a Pinterest account you can go here: and look at my board called Katie's Nspirations.

I think I will end this for now though. It is quite long and I'm sure you have gotten quite bored. Lol Plus, I have to go make dinner. It's Banana Bread Pancakes for dinner. They were supposed to be last night, but I got lazy. Lol  Tomorrow, I will tell ya a little about my close friends. Until next time...

Katie :-)

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