Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My weekend

Man has it been a busy couple of days! Let's see where to even start! I guess it all truly starts a few days back. Well, a few weeks technically.  Actually, I take that back too. This whole month just sucks and has been one thing after another. It all started (well, if I'm starting with what has gone wrong since the beginning of the month then it didn't start with the washing machine, but for now the washing machine is where I'm going to start)  with the washing machine. For some reason a few weeks ago the washing machine decided that it was going to work perfectly fine for most of the loads and then on the last wash it was going to fill up with water and then not drain the water when it was supposed to. 

Now, I know I said that it decided this which makes it sound like it has a choice and I'm sure most people will disagree with me, but I seriously think the appliances in my house come alive and plot against me. I am quite aware of how crazy this sounds, but if you had as many problems with appliances in your house as I have had in mine, you would think this as well. I'm not kidding. And it plans it when no one else is home so I look like I'm crazy or something. Every time something goes wrong no one is here to witness. Drives me quite bonkers. 

Like when we had problems with our plumbing and everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) was backing up into our tub, it happened when my husband was gone. And it wasn't like he was gone for a while (well, he was gone for a while because he was deployed, but you will see what I mean when I say he wasn't gone for a while). My husband was home on R&R for a week and everything in the house was going smoothly. We were having a good time relaxing (well as much as you can in an un-air conditioned house in the summer) and just genuinely loving spending time with each other after him being gone for 7 months. And then he took a shower the morning he left, still things were ok. We were sad, but all the appliances and plumbing and everything else was working ok. I take him to the airport here in town come home and go to take a shower and the freakin' drain in the bath tub starts to back up, the toilet starts to gurgle, I get out of the shower and try flushing the toilet and everything back up into our tub! It was fine LITERALLY just HOURS before and as soon as my husband leaves it stops working! See what I mean when I say this house and the stuff in it plot against me?! I have had problems with the plumbing (but I have become almost a pro at fixing that because it has happened so many times with no one around. Good old unfolded wire hanger.), the washing machine, the knobs have come off the cabinets in the hall, the swamp cooler, the crank on our living room windows came off, and I have fallen/ gotten hurt in this house more times than my husband and his parents combined. I have slipped on the tile floor, the bathroom floor, the bath tub, smacked my head on pretty much every cabinet, smashed my fingers in the screen doors, ran into walls (although that was totally the wall's fault, it jumped in my way of walking.), and so much more it would take me a hundred years to tell you. And in the process of telling you I would probably hurt myself some more. 

Ok, now back to the washing machine. So, my husband came home and I calmly told him what happened (this is after I called up my Mama Sissy in a panic because I didn't know what to do). And he suggested looking online to see if they had any suggestions (which I of course TOTALLY thought of before him, but I wanted to ya know, make him feel like he was contributing to the situation so I waited till he got home to look at suggestions for solving this problem). So, I got on the computer and it said that if there was no kinks in the hose (which there wasn't) then there was a clog like in the machine. Which made perfect sense to me since we had just washed our dog's, Tomee, blankets the day before. And it suggested that to get it out of the machine to stick a garden hose up to the washing machine and force the clog back in to the machine and then it should start working again. So we did this and sure enough the machine started working again. And we thought that was going to be the end of it. We were sooooooo wrong. It happened again the the next weekend I did laundry and again this past weekend. After doing some more research online we have come to the conclusion that the pump is not working all the time. Because it fills with water fine, it agitates with water fine, it just doesn't always drain the water fine. It will drain fine at first, but after a couple of loads it's like the pump gets tired and just stops working. And we drained all the water out of the machine through the hose by placing the hose on the ground outside and all the water came out perfectly fine, so in my opinion it's the pump. So, my husband got online and found a pump that should work with our washing machine and ordered it and it should be here in a few days. So, I think we FINALLY will have that fixed in a few days. 

Then the past few days other than working on the washing machine my husband and I have slowly been cleaning up the back room and the guest room. My friend, Holly and her adorable daughter and Holly's boyfriend, Patric, are supposed to be here the end of next month so we are cleaning up the rooms so they have some where to stay. Lol My husband and I had a small pile of clothes in the back room of stuff that we wanted to donate so we decided that we would finish going through our clothes and shoes and other stuff to make one huge donation to the Goodwill. My husband got rid of more stuff than me because he had stuff from when he was still a teen so he had a lot that just wasn't his style anymore or didn't fit him anymore because he's not a skinny teen. Not that my husband was ever skinny. And I don't mean that in a mean way at all. My husband is by no means fat. ( I mean we have put some weight on us since we got married, but we are working on losing that weight), but when you get out of your teens years, things just fit differently. Like you can be smaller than you were when you were a teen, but the clothes just don't seem to sit the same on your body. At least that's how I feel about my clothes. And how it seems to be for my husband's clothes. But most of what we are donating is my husband's clothes just because his have moved around with him and his parents have all his stuff and have given him his stuff. I moved here from CA and most of my stuff is still in CA so the clothes that I have now are all currently my style and will fit me when I get back down to my goal weight. Plus about 98% of my clothes and shoes have all been bought in the last 4 years. So, I don't really have anything old because I had to start my wardrobe over from scratch. Not that I'm really complaining because I HATED the clothes that my dad and his wife made me wear. I was made to wear spandex pants which are tighter than all get out, but was not allowed to wear tight jeans. Does this make sense to anyone else because it certainly never made sense to me. Anyways, I started to go through my clothes and my husband said to wait until I lose my weight and then see if I still want to get rid of my stuff. There were still some clothes that I got rid of though because it was too short and I just knew that even when I lost weight it still wasn't going to fit. And I got rid of some shoes. That took us all weekend to do pretty much. But we now have 2 and half bags of GIANT black bags that we are getting rid of, some school books and an old laptop that doesn't even turn on, but they said they take computers no matter the condition and we won't get any kind of money for it so they can have it. It makes me feel really good to know that we will be helping at least one person by donating these things. 

Now, our guest room is pretty much clean except for all of my husband's military uniforms and military gear that seems to slowly be taking over the house. I swear it like reproduces while we sleep. His military gear makes little baby military gear over night. Lol And the back room though we still have some work to do. The back room has kind of become like a storage room for us because we have no where else to put it. There are 2 desks, 2 bookshelves, 2 tv stands, some boxes and 2 litter boxes that we need to figure out what to do with. My husband mentioned wanting to put the litter boxes in the laundry room since our laundry room only has the dryer in it. (The washing machine is in our kitchen. If you ask me whoever had the bright idea to put a washing machine the kitchen is completely stupid) So, I think today we are going to work on cleaning out the laundry room and moving the litter boxes in there and then kind of like moving the other stuff in the back room to one side (and seeing if there might be a little room in the storage units my in-laws have here for at least a couple things) so that we can fit an air mattress in there for Holly and Patric since the only other bed we have besides ours is a twin, so Lily will be taking that one in the guest room.

So, that has been my hectic weekend/ week. I hope no one was too bored. And I hope everyone has a GREAT rest of the week! Until next time...

Katie :-)